Note: Standard Windows text components can't do smooth scrolling, that's why it's still scrolling by line, for example Notepad. This works great in all web browsers and most applications. It sends lots of very small scroll amounts, about 100 times more than a mouse wheel, that's why scrolling is smooth and pixel precise. The Magic Utilities use hi-dpi scrolling to achieve precise scrolling, this technique is well documented by Microsoft since Windows Vista. That's why scrolling with a normal mouse wheel is usually not smooth but jumps by line(s). Setting a slow scroll speed can allow for hands-free, effortless reading or data browsing.Windows mouse scrolling approach is to scroll per text line, not per pixel. The automatic scrolling can be very useful for reading a large document or scrolling through a large amount of data, in the case of a spreadsheet. The farther away you to move the cursor, the faster the scrolling. The speed of the automatic scrolling can be adjusted based on the distance from the scrolling icon the mouse cursor is moved. Move the mouse in the direction you want to scroll. If the program does not display a cursor icon, it does not support continuous scrolling. Once clicked, one of the three scrolling cursor icons (shown to the right) are shown, depending on the program you're using. To use auto-scrolling, click the scroll wheel by pushing in on the wheel on a blank or empty portion of the screen. The mouse may even support automatic scrolling, depending on the program you are using. A mouse with a scroll wheel allows you to scroll up or down a page by moving the wheel up or down. If you want to scroll a page or document without having to use the scroll bar, get a mouse with a middle scroll wheel.